Grade 5 St George’s School raises funds for neonatal beds

Grade 5 St George’s School raises funds for neonatal beds

Neonatal beds kindly donated by St George’s School Grade 5 Class of 2013 Vancouver, Canada
Supporting children in Cambodia and Angkor Hospital for Children Satellite Clinic

Cookie sales at St George’s


Yummy Canadian cakes at St. Georges School Vancouver raise money

Yummy Canadian cakes raise money

1 Daniel JohnstonWe are extremely lucky to have an awesome team of supporters all over the world who raise funds for Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC). But Daniel Johnston of Vancouver, Canada is one of our youngest supporters, and we were thrilled to hear he helped raise US$1,541.50 for us. Go Daniel!

Back in January 2013 Daniel visited AHC’s Satellite Clinic with his father and this trip inspired him to help raise money to buy additional beds. To do this, Daniel decided to arrange a bake sale at his school, St. George’s Boys School, not only to fundraise, but also to raise awareness of AHC – at the same time providing tasty treats for his classmates!

“’I am really interested in inspiring kids to help other kids, and there are so many ways to do it and help others around the world!  The best is by spreading the word and sharing your ideas with friends, family and classmates. The most important one is telling all the parents you know that they absolutely must visit the Angkor Hospital for Children if they go to Siem Reap. They will learn so much, like I did,” says Daniel.

2The bake sale raised US$1,241.50 and to show support, his uncles and aunts: Thomas, Deanne, Diane and Dr. William donated a further US$300 for two neonatal beds. Daniel’s efforts were also were recognized by his school where he received the George Shield Award award for ‘outstanding service’ in front of 200 people.

Thanks Daniel, you are an inspiration to other young people out there, and really show us all how kids in Canada can help kids in Cambodia.

by Message from Vicky, the AHC communication person,  in Cambodia—- “The article has now been posted on the AHC website and will be mentioned on Facebook later this week:” 



Sea Courses Cruises sail to Siem Reap

Vancouver  base Sea Courses Cruises sail to Siem Reap – 

1 group presentation in Siem Reap by Helen Catton120 guests were welcomed to Siem Reap by Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) on December 1, 2013 as part of a unique collaboration with Sea Courses Cruises. A Canadian-based organization that provides physicians and health care professionals with continuing medical education courses on board cruise ships as they sail around the world.

2 Dr. Bill, Dr. Pheaktra, Dr. PisesDuring the Siem Reap leg of their cruise, AHC’s senior medical staff including Medical Executive Director Dr. Bill Housworth, Deputy Director Dr. Pheaktra, and Medical Director and Cardiologist Dr. Pises presented a talk entitled ‘The Cambodian Health Care System from AHC’s Perspective.’ The experienced team outlined the multifaceted challenges of working in the Government system, while continually striving to improve the quality of health care here in Cambodia.

3 Dr. Bill with Sea Courses guestsFollowing the insightful presentation, guests had the opportunity to ask questions and participate in informal discussions on a one-to-one basis with the AHC team.

Angkor Hospital for Children was thrilled to have an international platform in order to share our work with cruise guests and provide an insight into health care in Cambodia, and the challenges we face with regards to improving quality, standards and best practices in the system.

We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with Sea Courses Cruises and hope to welcome more guests to Siem Reap, Cambodia in the future.

 sea courses logo

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     Discover what so many clients have come to know and love. The value of combining your continuing education with a Sea Courses cruise.

Sarah Pattison – the temples, cooking classes, shopping, a fishing trip, hiking….

David Shoemaker’s account of Sarah Pattison’s visit to Siem Reap and Angkor Hospital for Children:

Sarah and David in newly donated vehicle“Sarah had a good time here – didn’t miss a thing – the temples, cooking classes, shopping, a fishing trip, hiking, and of course many drinks together.  She was the even first passenger in the new vehicle donated by Mrs. V. Trethewey, who she will be seeing in a couple of weeks back in Vancouver and will tell The Trethewey family all about it.  Sarah’s daughter Julia is a delight and I wouldn’t be surprised to see her back volunteering sometime. It is always such a pleasure to have interestingly active visitors from Canada here.” David Shoemaker

Sarah at local market Sunday fishing trip picnic with AHC staff Sarah fishing on Sap Tonle Lake

Over 40 rural artisans, land mine survivors earn a sustainable income under the generous care of Carol Cassidy’s NGO Weaves of Cambodia.

WEAVES Cambodge by Nina Cassils

We drove up country 1 hour on hard surface, 2.5 hours on dirt road 80% full of pot holes. Our destination Tbaeng Meanchey in Preah Vihear province Carol Cassidy’s ‘studio’ so primitive, dirt floors, endearing weavers, amazing to find such luxurious textiles created ‘from the red earth’. Here over 40 rural artisans, land mine survivors earn a sustainable income under the generous care of Carol’s NGO Weaves of Cambodia.

modified wheel chairfrom the red earth of Preah Vihear, Cambodia, a community of determined land mine survivors is creating a sustaninable incmoe through traditional weaving

 From the red earth of Preah Vihear, Cambodia, a community of determined land mine survivors is creating a sustainable income through traditional weaving. modified looms           land mine surviormain road behind the red earth studioThe studio 2 silk threads

In 1998 with five women making silk products and now employs over 40 rural artisans who use their artistic skills to earn a sustainable income. Carol Cassidy stresses, “we strive to uphold Fair Trade values by ensuring that all team members are able to enjoy a healthy and safe working environment.”

5 Carol Cassidy 6 prothesis for loom

 Weaves Cambodia’s objective is to improve the lives of rural, disabled persons, mainly women, through silk weaving for income. Weaves Cambodia only employs land mine survivors and disabled individuals, putting special emphasis on women and their families…who produce fine quality silk scarves that are completely environmentally friendly. Weaves Cambodia silk supports sustainable village life and fair trade in a reconstructing country.

4 weaver on loom 3 mixing German dyes1 carol cassidy
















Cameron Brown visits HIV Aids clinic in Myanmar

Cameron Brown visits HIV Aids clinic in Myanmar

Cameron Brown photo of monk studying scripturesCameron Brown photo nursary school

“Part of my trip to Myanmar involved visiting an HIV Aids clinic in Yangon. It was difficult to hear stories about how much stress doctors are put under while trying to do their jobs in the public health system. Often hospitals are so under supplied that doctors must go out-of-pocket and buy the medicine to take care of their patients. There also continues to be a huge knowledge gap in Myanmar about HIV and there is a very negative social stigma placed on those who live with the virus. Privacy and discretion is very important. Until the government adopts a better public plan to deal with the country’s health and education problems, people will continue to struggle.”

Cameron Brown’s November 2012 visit to Myanmar

Cameron Wood volunteering with Morgan Notman at TTW VanVolunteers Cameron Brown (left) and Morgan Notman at Taste the World, Four Seasons Hotel Ballroom in Vancouver


Marily Mearns, “the people of Myanmar are desperate for proper health care.”

“The people of Myanmar are desperate for proper health care.  They live in a very poor country with limited access to health facilities. A small clinic we visited is situated in a very poor area near Yangon and it was difficult to find even with a driver. We were greeted by the local Burmese doctor who spent an hour with us, took us on a tour of the facility and provided us with information about the programs. This clinic diagnoses, treats and educates people basic diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, TB, and also sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS.   There are a very good healthcare clinic and hospitals available for the poor, all funded by donations for those who cannot afford the fee or the medicines. The two funded by a number of Canadians are The Muslim Free Hospital & Medical Relief Society and Medical Action.”

Marily Mearns             Visited Myanmar November 2012

visiting a privately funded primary schoolOne of many school rooms visited in Central Myanmar

Cassils Friends of Friends Award 2009

This year’s Best Friends of Friends Award went to Dr. and Mrs. John and Nina Cassils. Not only have they been generous supporters of the organization – YEAR 2009

Nina in NYC with Kenro Izu and Sue Wettstein to receive the Friends of Friends Award 2009            NB Website (56 of 1)

Nina Cassils, Kenro Izu founder of Angkor Hospital, Susan Wettstein

7th Annual Fundraising Gala

The 7th Annual Fundraising Gala was held on Monday, April 20th at the New York Athletic Club and was, once again, a great success. This year was unique as we had the opportunity to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Angkor Hospital for Children and did so with a celebratory Commemorative Journal full of well wishes and congratulations to those individuals who made the past ten years possible.

Kenro Izu, the Founder of Friends Without A Border, was honored with a wonderful wind chime made with the thumbprints of many children seen at AHC. This year’s Best Friends of Friends Award went to Dr. and Mrs. John and Nina Cassils. Not only have they been generous supporters of the organization themselves but they have also been wonderful ambassadors for AHC.

Mr. Drew De Carvalho was the Emcee for the evening and did a great job entertaining guests and auctioning live auction items. We were fortunate to have three guests from AHC attend the event: Dr. Bill Housworth, Executive Director of AHC; Dr. Vann Thy and Ms. Vanna Dary, who all gave touching speeches. They all enjoyed meeting donors and witnessing firsthand the kindness of those who support their country. We were happy to raise almost $300,000 at this year’s Gala in the current economic climate. This could not have been possible without a true commitment and support of all the guests who joined us for the evening.

A big thank you to all individuals who helped make this wonderful event possible. We look forward to seeing you again next year!




Canadian Visitors Sarah Pattison & daughter Julia visit Angkor Hospital

Canadian Donors Visit!

Sarah Pattison and her daughter Julia visited AHC from 20 to 26 November. They have long been supporters of AHC through Vancouver fund raising events but this was their first time to visit the hospital and satellite clinic. They were also able to attend the opening event for the Angkor Photo Festival held in AHC’s Friends Center. Sarah and Julia have chosen to continue their generosity by purchasing a much needed dryer for the satellite clinic. The satellite team is very thankful for this.
The AHC Grants management team subsequently took Sarah and Julia on a quite successful fishing trip. According to the team, if you believe them, more fish were caught than could be counted and everyone’s stomachs were full after the mango fish roast. How is that for AHC success!?

 Posted on the website by David Shoemaker


Dr. Corina Chapeskie’s address at Taste the World Calgary, first hand account of Angkor Hospital for Children

Dr. Corina Chapeskie’s* presentation at Calgary 2013 Taste the World, wine tasting April 24, 2013

“Thank you all for coming……


Corina dentist sepaking at tTW Corina dentist with in ICU behind her

Before I explain why I cme out and why I continue to work with Angkor Hospital for Children I want to take a moment to thank some of the people who made tonight possible. And I mean that literally.

As some of you may know this year’s event almost had to be postponed, and if it hadn’t been for Matt and Kim Hall and the energetic Steve and Tannis Cochrane we might not be here tonight.

They stepped up, took on co-chairing the event, and went above and beyond to make this a great night and ensure that Angkor Hospital for Children and Medical Action Myanmar would not go without this year so if we could give them and the committee a big round of applause….

One of the most rewarding aspects of working with Angkor Hospital for Children is being able to witness the rapid evolution of this hospital made possible by these kinds of pro-active volunteers who jump in to solve problems, start projects and lend a hand wherever they can. 

Because of people like this, Angkor Hospital for Children has gone from a one room shack to a World Health Organization approved teaching facility dedicated to meeting international standards while improving the quality of care in Cambodia. This goal has lead to clinical investigations and numerous collaborative research projects with people from Harvard, Oxford, John Hopkins and many other institutions.  

The hospital now has guidelines for fluid and drug use, a large Intensive Care Unit, fully functional Operating Room, dental, ophthalmology, and physiotherapy clinics, and a microbiology lab where culture and sensitivity tests are conducted onsite. (some of the children you see in the slide show behind me with parotid swelling suffer from burkholderia infection. Before Angkor Hospital for Children research showed this organism existed in Cambodia these children would have had no chance of adequate treatment; once septic from this there is an 85% mortality rate)..but I won’t go on about that because I might take up your entire night. 

These advancements are fueled by the energy and enthusiasm that come from Angkor Hospital for Children being a teaching hospital but what keeps these projects running, and what keeps people like John and Nina Cassils working tirelessly to ensure that the hospital does not collapse or regress despite its ever-growing patient load is that whenever you visit Angkor Hospital for Children you will encounter parents whose determination and dedication is just indescribable. 

There are countless stories I could tell you of parents who sold everything including the shirts off their backs and travelled for days to reach Angkor Hospital for Children in the hope they would find care for their children.

Angkor Hospital for Children dose not stop striving to improve care so for those of you thinking of volunteering or donating I assure you, you will not find your time or your money is wasted at Angkor Hospital for Children.

As volunteers you will be expected to bring not just your skills but also to teach this new generation of doctors who will be leaders in pediatric medicine in Asia.

 As a donor I can assure you this organization makes every dollar count, from people like Nina Cassils who find ways of saving shipping fees such as asking volunteers to carry medical supplies over the boarder to the Operating Room Nurses who taught me you do NOT open an entire 4X4 of gauze if you only need half (that is done in the sterile section so the rest can be saved for another case).  

I could talk all night about specific families, Cambodian medical students and the research at Angkor Hospital for Children that inspires me but…I think we would rather have more time to hear Nate Hall and Riley Donelson play so if you are interested I can tell you that later at the donation table.  I will just leave you with this

 Angkor Hospital for Children stretches every dollar and maximizes every educational resource they can to improve care for the children and families that work so hard to get there.  Thank you all for your generosity and for coming out tonight.”Corina at TTW Calgary Corina (rt) at Taste the Worlld

on dental outreach in converted classroom to dentist makeshift clinicCorina on location in make shift clinic at school auditorium in SiemReap

 *Corina has traveled to Angkor Hospital for Children, as a working volunteer dentist, on 5 occasions